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Development of the Information Infrastructure of Tourism Routes and Tourism Itineraries Connecting the Municipalities

Currently, Klaipėda District Municipality implements the project “Development of the Information Infrastructure of Tourism Routes and Tourism Itineraries Connecting the Municipalities” aimed at creating a uniform tourism signage infrastructure system in Klaipėda District. The project applicant is Klaipėda City Municipality Administration and the partners are all other six municipalities of Klaipėda District.

Klaipėda City Municipality Administration has conducted all procurement procedures for setting up of the information system of tourism routes and tourism itineraries including design and, according to 26 March 2019 contract, Gatas UAB undertook to develop the information infrastructure which will direct to tourist sites in Kretinga District Municipality within the time limit of 12 months for the amount of už EUR 73,159.96 including funds of the EU funds amounting to EUR 62,185.96; the municipality will have to allocate EUR 10,974.00 to the budget from its budget.

52 road signs No 628 “Directional arrow to the tourist attraction” and road signs No 629 “Name of the place to visit”, 8 information stands with a map and descriptions of the places to visit, 7 information stands at the tourist attractions with their description and 11 direction stands with directional arrows to certain tourist attractions will be erected in the territory of Kretinga District Municipality. Gatas UAB undertook to draw up a design of erection of the signs with the exact places and all necessary agreed details within 3 months from the date of signature of the contract.