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31 March
2016 Decision No T2-100 of The Council of Kretinga District Municipality



1. The Regulations of the Education Centre of Kretinga District (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations”) regulate the legal form, dependency, owner of the Education Centre of Kretinga District (hereinafter referred to as the “Centre”), the institution implementing the rights and duties of the owner of the Centre, the group, type, main purpose, languages of teaching and forms of teaching, legal basis of operation, area, types of activity, implemented educational programmes, goal, objectives, functions of the Centre, issue of documents legitimating in-service training and learning achievments, rights and duties of the Centre, organisation and management of activities, self-governance, recruitment of employees, procedure for payment for their work and attestation, property, funds, procedure for use thereof, control of financial activities and supervision of the activities of the Centre, procedure for reorganisation, liquidation or restructuring.

2. The official name of the Centre shall be the Education Centre of Kretinga District, the short name shall be the Education Centre. The Centre is registered in the Register of Legal Entities, registration number 195175933.

3. The Centre was established in 2000.

4. The legal form shall be a budgetary institution.

5. The dependency shall be as follows: municipal school, code 20.

6. The owner shall be Kretinga District Municipality (hereinafter referred to as the “Municipality”).

7. The institution implementing the rights and duties of the owner, i.e. be the Council of Kretinga District Municipality (hereinafter referred to as the “Council of the Municipality”), shall:

7.1. approve of the Regulations of the Centre;

7.2. employ and dismiss the director of the Centre;

7.3. take decisions on:

7.3.1. change of the registered office of the Centre;

7.3.2. reorganisation, liquidation and restructuring of the Centre;

7.3.3. establishment of a branch of the Centre and termination of the activities thereof;

7.4. appoint and remove a liquidator or set up a liquidation commission and revoke its powers;

7.5. deal with other issues attributed to its competence by the laws and the Regulations of the Centre.

8. The registered office of the Centre shall be at the address J. Pabrėžos g. 8, LT-97129 Kretinga.

9. The group shall be an educational assistance establishment.

10. The type shall be a centre for assistance to learners, teachers and school.

11. Purposes:

11.1. adult and youth school;

11.2. adult gymnasium;

11.3. distant learning school;

11.4. remote teaching gymnasium;

11.5. non-formal adult education in-service training school;

11.6. educational assistance service.

12. The teaching language shall be the Lithuanian language.

13. Ways of organisation of the education process: daily, part-time, distant, independent.

14. Implemented education programmes:

14.1. primary, basic, secondary education;

14.2. adult primary, basic and secondary education;

14.3. non-formal children and adult education;

14.4. in-service training.

15. Documents legitimating learning achievements shall be issued to the persons who have completed the primary, basic and secondary education programmes under the procedure established by the Minister of Education and Science. Documents legitimating in-service training shall be issued to the persons who have completed the in-service training programmes shall be issued under the procedure established by the director of the Centre.

16. The certificates of command of the state language shall be issued to the persons who have passed the state language and the Constitution examinations in accordance with the procedure established by the Minister of Education and Science.

17. The Centre shall be a public legal person having its own seal, current and other accounts at the banks registered in the Republic of Lithuania, attributes. The Centre shall be guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, the laws of the Republic of Lithuania, resolutions of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, orders of the Minister of Education and Science, orders of the Director of the Municipality Administration, other legal acts and these Regulations.

18. The Centre shall have:

18.1. the Pedagogical and Psychological Assistance Division;

18.2. the Adult and Youth Education Division;

18.3. The Division of General Affairs;

18.4. the Tourism Information Centre.


19. The main area of activity of the Centre shall be education, code 85.

20. The main types of educational activity of the Centre shall be as follows:

20.1. regulation of the activities of education services, code 75.12.20;

20.2. primary education, code 85.20;

20.3. general lower secondary education, code 85.31.10;

20.4. general upper secondary education, code 85.31.20.

21. Other types of activity:

21.1. sports and recreation education, code 85.51;

21.2. cultural education, code 85.52;

21.3. other education, n.e.c. 85.59;

21.4. educational support activities, code 85.60;

21.5. renting and operating of own or leased real estate, code 68.20;

21.6. creative, artistic and entertainment organization activities, code 90;

21.7. tour operator activities, code 79.12;

21.8. other food service activities, code 56.29;

21.9. information service activities, code 63.9;

21.10. other renting of tourism equipment, code 77.21.560;

21.11. other human health activities, code 86.90.

22. The goals of activity of the Centre shall be as follows:

22.1. to enable a person to return to consecutive education, acquire primary, basic and secondary education, engage in life-long leaning, improve the acquired qualification, take part in adult non-formal education and continuing learning process, satisfy youth leisure, employment and cognitive needs;

22.2. to increase the effectiveness of learning for individuals with special educational needs (under 21 years of age), provide informational and consulting assistance to persons (children parents (guardians, curators), pedagogues) with psychological, personalty and communication problems;

22.3. to develop the variety of tourism services, ensure high quality tourism services meeting the established requirements.

23. The objectives of activity of the Centre shall be as follows:

23.1. to organise teaching/learning for adults who have dropped out of the consecutive education system by providing high quality primary, basic and secondary education and satisfy the non-formal educational needs of adults;

23.2. to enable 12-16 year old learners who have learning motivation problems, who find it difficult to adapt in a general education school or other educational establishments and 16-18 year old youth who are not enable to continue education in full-time general education schools or other educational establishments, acquire basic and secondary education due to social, economic conditions;

23.3. to enable persons between 14 to 29 years of age, irrespective of their social status, to safely spend their leisure, engage in the activities in which they are interested in the Open Youth Space;

23.4. to evaluate the special educational needs of learners (children) of the district (except for the needs arising from exceptional capabilities);

23.5. to coordinate and provide educational assistance in the district;

23.6. to coordinate and organise in-service learning of educational staff and other adult persons, non-formal adult education and continuing learning activities in the district;

23.7. to provide tour operator and tourism information services.

24. In implementation of the tasks assigned to it, the Centre shall fulfil the following functions:

24.1. implement the primary, basic, secondary education, adult primary, primary and secondary education, in-service learning, non-formal children and adult education programmes;

24.2. specify and update the content of education in accordance with the general programmes approved by the Minister of Science and Education, taking into account the needs and interests of learners, local communicity and the community of the Centre and draw up the modules supplementing

the basic education second part and secondary education programmes and satisfying the learners’ needs, non-formal children and adult education programmes;

24.3. take part in studies of learning achievements, carry out testing of the basic education achievements, carry out school Matura examinations, examinations of the command of the Lithuanian language and the basics of the Constitution under the procedure established by the Minister of Education and Science;

24.4. issue documents legitimating learning achievements underr the primary, basic and secondary programmes, certificates of the command of the State language, other documents legitimating learning achievements under the procedure established by the Minister of Education and Science;

24.5. create favourable conditions:

24.5.1. for operation of learners’ and youth organisations that stimulate learners’ moral, national and civic consciousness, patriotism of learners and youth, foster cultural and social development of learners and youth, help satisfy their self-development and self-expression needs of learners and youth;

24.5.2. for repeat learning of requested subjects or new subjects of the adult secondary education curriculum requested by persons who have attained a secondary education level by patying for the work of the teachers at own expense under the procedure established in the legislation;

24.5.3. for persons temporarily or permanently residing abroad to learn under the Lithuanian language, history or geography syllabuses;

24.5.4. for 15-17 year old youth with learning difficulties or returning to the education system after drop-out, wishing to specialise, to adapt to the education system through the chosen and personally attractive work activities, learn under a productive education programme;

24.6. provide information, psychological, social-pedagogical, special-pedagogical assistance, carry out healthcare of learners, child minimum supervision measures and organise and organise career education;

24.7. set up the Child Welfare Commission which shall organise and coordinate adaptation of the education programmes to learners with special educational needs, provision of educational assistance under the procedure established in the legislation;

24.8. organise:

24.8.1. at the request of learners or their parents (guardians, curators), paid additional services (clubs, hobby groups, camps, excursions etc.) under the procedure prescribed in the law;

24.8.2. transportation of learners of youth classes to the Centre and from the Centre back home and catering of learners under the procedure established in the legislation;

24.8.3. youth pre-vocational education;

24.9. organise in-service learning and non-formal adult education and continuing education events and issue in-service learning certificates or statements in accordance with the procedure established by the director of the Centre;

24.10. provide social, pedagogical and psychological services to the visitors of the Open Youth Space, organise their leisure;

24.11. examine and assess disabilities, disorders, learning difficulties of persons in pedagogical, psychological, social-pedagogical terms, establish special educational needs, their level, prescribe special education, recommend the forms, ways and methods of education, special and technical teaching/learning aids;

24.12. prescribe educational (special pedagogue, psychologist, speech therapist, social pedagogue, motion correction pedagogue, tiflopedagogue, surdopedagogue) and special (assistant teacher) assistance, recommend the most appropriate educational establishment for children with special needs;

24.13. present the evaluation conclusions to parents (guardians, curators) and, subject to their consent, the educational assistance specialists, pedagogues of the educational establishment attended by the child;

24.14. provide:

24.14.1. assistance provided by a psychologist, special pedagogue, speech therapist, social pedagogue in educational establishments without educational assistance specialists and to children who do not attend educational establishments;

24.14.2. educational and methodological assistance to pre-school, basic education and non-formal children education schools of the Municipality;

24.14.3. information on the status of professional competence of education staff of the Municipality and a change thereof, educational innovations, methods and results of intruction thereof to the Education Division of Kretinga District Municipality Administration (hereinafter referred to as the “Education Division”);

24.14.4. complex assistance to families raising children from their birth to the start of compulsory education who do not attend preschool, pre-primary educational establishments;

24.15. consult children and learners with psychological, personality and educational problems, their parents (guardians, curators), pedagogues, help to deal with the social, pedagogical and psychological problems of the child arising in the family, educational establishment, society;

24.16. participate:

24.16.1. in the activities of the Municipality Administration and the Child Welfare Commissions of schools;

24.16.2. in drawing up and implementation of the prevention and other programmes helping to more effectively educate persons with special educational needs, psychological, personality and educational problems;

24.17. help to organise crisis management in schools;

24.18. cooperate:

24.18.1. with the institutions, healthcare, law enforcement and law and other authorities, non-governmental organisations of the Municipality and other partners with a view to achieving the welfare of persons with special needs;

24.19. with the educational establishments, non-governmental organisations of Lithuania and foreign countries, participate in the activities of associations;

24.20. draw up in-service learning and non-formal adult education programmes and projects meeting the education priorities of the Republic of Lithuania and the in-service learning and educational needs of the employees and adults of educational establishments of the Municipality;

24.21. supervise the methodological assistance of the heads of schools, deputy heads responsible for education, chiefs of teaching organising divisions, teachers, specialists providing assistance to learners, provide consultancy and methodological assistance, cooperate in introduction of methodological innovations, collect the drawn up methodological material and carry out dissemination;

24.22. accumulate the pedagogical literature library funds, methodological and visual educational aids;

24.23. carry out studies, monitoring, self-assessment of the activities of the Centre;

24.24. collect, accumulate, provide information, prepare, publish and disseminate information and cartographic publications concerning tourism services, tourist attractions and destinations;

24.25. implement active and permanent district tourism marketing measures;

24.26. form the image of the district which is attractive for tourism;

24.27. enable the community of the Centre and the district to use the information space of the Centre, i.e. internet, library (printed matter, descriptions, data carriers of video and audio records etc.);

24.28. publish information on the activities of the Centre, regularly update the website of the Centre and publish detailed information relevant to the education community of the Municipality on the website;

24.29. ensure healthy, safe learning/teaching and working environment meeting the requirements of the hygiene standards and legislation;

24.30. establish the conduct and ethics standards of the members of the community of the Centre;

24.31. provide paid services on the basis of the contracts with natural and legal persons whose service is not provided for herein in accordance with the methodology for establishment of the rates of paid services provided by the Centre approved by the Council of the Municipality;

24.32. fulfil other functions corresponding to the goals and objectives of activity not set out herein but provided for in the legislation.


25. In implementation of its goals and objectives and fulfilment of the functions assigned to the Centre, the Centre shall have the right to:

25.1. implement the primary, basic, secondary education, formal and non-formal education programmes, offer the modules, optional subjects of the afore-mentioned programmes satisfying the learners’ self-expression needs;

25.2. organise adult non-formal education and continuing learning and youth leisure in the Open Space;

25.3. obtain information from schools, health and social security institutions;

25.4. choose the appropriate forms and methods of work;

25.5. create new education and teaching modules ensuring high quality education;

25.6. cooperate with natural and legal persons that have an impact on the activities of the Centre;

25.7. prepare and implement the national and international projects;

25.8. enter and join associations, participate in their activities;

25.9. receive support under the procedure established in the legislation;

25.10. exercise other rights granted by the legislation.

26. In implementation of its goals and objectives and fulfilment of the functions assigned to the Centre, the Centre shall be obliged to:

26.1. ensure the quality of the carried out activities, confidential, safe and healthy environment and performance of the agreed obligations;

26.2. provide information, consultancy, in-service learning and educational assistance;

26.3. ensure openness for the local community;

26.4. fulfil other duties set out in the Law on Education and other legal acts.


27. The activities of the Centre shall be organised in accordance with the following documents approved by the director of the Centre:

27.1. The strategic operational plan of the Centre approved by the Council of the Centre and the Council of the Municipality;

27.2. The annual operational plan of the Centre approved by the Council of the Centre;

27.3. the Education Plan approved by the Council of the Centre and coordinated under the procedure established by the Minister of Education and Science.

28. The Centre shall be headed by the director appointed to the position by the compensation and removed from office under the procedure prescribed in the legislation.

29. The director of the Centre shall be directly subordinate and accountable to the Council of the Municipality.

30. The heads of the divisions of the Centre who are directly subordinate shall be appointed to the position and removed from office under the procedure prescribed in the legislation.

31. The director of the Centre shall:

31.1. supervise the employees of the Centre in drawing up of the strategic operational plan and the annual operational plan of the Centre, approve them, supervise implementation thereof;

31.2. organise the work of the Centre in order to achieve the goals of the Centre and fulfil the established functions;

31.3. approve of the structure of the Centre and the list of jobs without exceeding the maximum permissible number of jobs in accordance with the decision of the Council of the Municipality on the maximum permissible number of jobs and subject to agreement of the Education Division;

31.4. approve of the regulations of the divisions of the Centre;

31.5. employ and remove from office employees of the Centre, provide incentives to them, impose disciplinary sanctions on them under the procedure established in the legislation;

31.6. guarantee that the sets of financial statements and statistical reports submitted under the Law on Public Sector Accountability;

31.7. ensure rational and cost-efficient use of funds and assets, effective development of the internal control system of the Centre, efficiency and improvement thereof;

31.8. subject to agreement with the Council of the Centre, approve of the Rules of Procedure of the Centre;

31.9. ensure compliance with the laws, other legal acts and the Regulations of the Centre;

31.10. conclude contracts for fulfilment of the functions of the Centre;

31.11. create conditions for employees’ professional improvement, in-service learning, attestation of teachers and other educational staff members under the procedure established by the Minister of Education and Science;

31.12. initiate formation of self-governance institutions of the Centre and promote their activities;

31.13. cooperate with the institutions providing assistance to a child, learner, teacher and school, parents (guardians, curators) of learners;

31.14. represent the Centre before other institutions;

31.15. approve job descriptions of the employees of the Centre;

31.16. admit learners under the procedure established by the Council of the Municipality, conclude education agreements under the procedure established in the legislation;

31.17. organise storage and management of the Centre’s documents under the procedure prescribed in the legislation;

31.18. manage, use the funds, assets of the Centre, dispose of them, take care of intellectual, material, financial, information resources, ensure optimal management and use thereof under the procedure established by the law;

31.19. analyse the condition of the operational and management resources of the Centre and be liable for the performance of the Centre;

31.20. fulfil other functions set forth in the legislation and the job description.

32. The director of the Centre shall be liable:

32.1. for compliance with the laws and other legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania in the Centre, management of the Centre, notification of the members of the community, proper fulfilment of the functions, achievement of the established goals and objectives of the Centre, management and performance of the Centre;

32.2. for cooperation-based relations, compliance with the conduct and ethics standards of the members of the community of the Centre, transparently taken decisions, healthy, safe environment preventing any expression of violence, duress and addictions;

32.3. for publication of public information on the activities of the Centre.

33. The Centre shall have the following methodological groups and methodological councils:

33.1. The Methodological Council of Schools of the District (hereinafter referrred to asa the “Methodological Council”) shall be an association of the chairs of methodological groups of schools of the district operating in the Centre in accordance with the regulations approved by the head of the Education Division. The Methodological Council shall establish the priorities of methodological activities of teachers and specialists providing assistance to a learner, the in-service learning needs, initiate introduction of pedagogical innovations in schools, put forward agreed proposals of methodological groups concerning organisation of in-service learning to the director of the Centre. The Methodological Council shall be headed by the chair elected by the members of the Council. The activities shall be coordinated by the employee of the Centre responsible for methodological activities.

33.2. The Methodological Group of Teachers of the District (hereinafter referrred to asa the “Methodological Group”) shall be a group of teachers operating in the Centre in accordance with the regulations approved by the head of the Education Division. The members of the Methodological Group shall be teachers of the subject, deputy directors of schools, librarians, specialists providing assistance to a learner, pre-school and pre-primary education pedagogues and form teachers. The Methodological Group shall be headed by the chair elected by the members of the Group. The activities shall be coordinated by the employee of the Centre responsible for methodological activities.

33.3. The Methodological Council of Teachers of the Centre (hereinafter referred to as the “Council of Teachers”) shall mean teachers working in the Adult and Youth Education Division. The Methodological Council shall establish the priorities of methodological activities of teachers, the teacher in-service learning needs, initiate introduction of pedagogical innovations in the Centre, put forward proposals concerning formation of the education content and improvement of organisation of implementation thereof to the director of the Centre. The number of the members of the Council of Teachers and the duration of the term of office thereof shall be established by the director of the Centre. The Council of Teachers shall be headed by the chair elected by the members of the Council. The activities of the Council of Teachers shall be coordinated by the person appointed by the director of the Centre.


34. The Council of the Centre (hereinafter referred to as the “Council”) shall be the supreme self-governance institution of the Centre representing the employees of the Centre, learners, parents (guardians, curators) and the local community. The Council shall account for its activities to the members of the community of the Centre who have elected it.

35. The Council shall be set up of the Pedagogical-Psychological Assistance Division, the Adult and Youth Education Division, parents (guardians, curators) of learners, learners and representatives of the local community. The duration of the term of office of the Council shall be established by the director of the Centre.

36. Members to the Council shall be delegated as follows: the Pedagogical-Psychological Assistance Division shall delegate two members, the Adult and Youth Education Division shall delegate one methodologist, one teacher, one parent (guardian, curator), the Council of Learners shall delegate one learner, the director of the Centre shall delegate one representative of the local community.

37. Meetings of the Council shall be convened at least two times a year. A meeting shall be deemed to be legal if at least two thirds of members are present at the meeting. Decisions shall be taken by the majority of votes cast by the persons present at the meeting. The director of the Centre, the representatives of the administration may attend meetings as invitees.

38. The Council shall be headed by the chair elected by open vite at the meeting of the Council.

39. The Council shall:

39.1. put forward proposals on the strategic goals, objectives of the Centre and measures of implementation thereof;

39.2. consider and approve of the strategic plan, the annual plan and the education plan of the Centre, the Regulations of the Centre, the rules of procedure of the Centre, other documents regulating the activities of the Centre submitted by the director of the Centre;

39.3. put forward proposals concerning amendment or supplement of the Regulations of the Centre, improvement of the internal structure of the Centre;

39.4. consider issues concerning use of the funds of the Centre;

39.5. hear the annual activity reports of the Centre and put forward proposals on improvement of the activities of the Centre to the director of the Centre;

39.6. may put forward proposals on improvement of the activities of the Centre to the Council of the Municipality;

39.7. consider the initiatives of the methodological council of teachers, learners and parents (guardians, curators), municipal authorities or the members of the community of the Centre and put forward proposals to the director of the Centre;

39.8. put forward proposals on improvement of work of the Centre, safe education of learners and creation of safe working conditions, help in formation of material, financial and intellectual resources of the Centre;

39.9. choose the areas of self-evaluation of the activities of the Centre, the performance methodology, analyse the self-evaluation results and take decisions on improvement of the activities;

39.10. carry out public supervision of management of the Centre.

40. The Council of Teachers shall be a permanently operating self-governance body of the Centre for dealing with professional and general issues concerning education of teachers. It shall consist of the head of the Adult and Youth Education Division, all teachers, specialists providing educational assistance, a librarian, psychologist, youth employee and other persons directly involved in the education process working in the Centre.

41. The Council of Teachers shall be headed by the director of the Centre.

42. The meetings of the Council of teachers shall be organised by the director of the Centre. A meeting shall be deemed to be valid if at least two thirds of teachers, i.e. members of the Council, are present at the meeting. Decisions shall be taken by the majority of votes cast by the members present at the meeting, minutes of the meetings shall be taken.

43. The Council of Teachers shall consider and take mandatory decisions on the issues set forth in the legislation and raises by the director of the Centre.

44. The Centre shall have the self-governance body of learners of the Centre, i.e. the Council of Learners. The number of the members of the Council of Learners and the duration of the term of office thereof shall be established by the director of the Centre. The members of the Council of Learners shall be representatives elected by the learners studying under the basic and secondary education programmes. The Council of Learners shall be headed by the head-chair elected by the Council of Learners. The self-governance body, i.e. the council of learners shall initiate and help to organise events, actions of the Centre, implement the preventive programmes, put forward proposals on organisation of teaching, development of learner non-formal education programmes, social activities, organise movement of volunteers, be involved in drawing up of the documents regulating the activities of the Centre, consider the issues raised by the director of the Centre, agree on organisation of the activities of the institution, delegate members to the Council of the Centre.


45. Employees shall be employed by the Centre and removed from office in accordance with the procedure established in the Labour Code and other legal acts.

46. The employees of the Centre shall be paid for their work under the procedure established in the laws and other legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.

47. The director of the Centre, the heads of the divisions and other employees of the Centre shall improve their qualification and be attested under the procedure established in the legislation.


48. The Centre shall manage, use and dispose of the property of the Municipality transferred by the right of trust in accordance with the laws under the procedure established by the Council of the Municipality.

49. The property of the Centre cannot be sold, transferred or pledged. It cannot be used as a surety or guarantee for performance of the obligations of other entities.

50. The sources of funds of the Centre shall be as follows:

50.1. the funds of the State budget and the budget of the Municipality allocated according to the approved estimates;

50.2. income from the provided services;

50.3. funds donated or transferred by funds, organisations, other legal and natural persons by other lawful means, funds for the intended use by assignments;

50.4. funds acquired in other lawful ways.

51. The funds shall be used under the procedure established in the legislation.

52. The Centre shall organise accounting and keep financial accounts under the procedure prescribed in the law.

53. An audit of the activities and an external financial audit of the Centre shall be carried out by the Control and Audit Service of the Municipality, the Centralised Internal Audit Division of the Municipality Administration under the procedure established in the legal acts.

54. The public audit of the Centre shall be carried out by the National Audit Office of Lithuania.


55. The Centre shall have its own website meeting the requirements set forth in the legislation.

56. Notices which must be made publicly available under the legislation shall be published on the website of the Centre and, if necessary, on the websites of the Municipality Administration or the Education Division under the procedure established in the legislation.

57. Notices of liquidation, reorganisation, restructuring of the Centre or in other cases provided for in the Law on Budgetary Institutions or other laws shall be published in the press of the Municipality and/or delivered to all persons provided for in the law against signed acknowledgement and/or by registered mail under the procedure and within the time limits set forth in the legislation. The notices shall contain all information the provision of which is required by the Civil Code and the Law on Budgetary Institutions.

58. The Regulations of the Centre, amendments and supplements thereto shall be approved by the Council of the Centre, approved by the Council of the Municipality.

59. The Regulations of the Centre shall be amended and supplemented on the initiative of the Council of the Municipality, the director of the Centre or the Council of the Centre.

60. The Centre shall be registered under the procedure established in the legislation.

61. The Centre shall be reorganised, liquidated or restructured under the procedure prescribed in the legislation.