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Places to visit

Monumental cross and memorial plaque

Monumental cross and commemorative plaque for commemoration of the guerillas of the Sword Detachment of the Samogitian District who were tortured in the headquarters of Kretinga County NKVD–MGB and died in Kretinga County and were buried on the banks of the rivulet Dopultis (Pastauninkas) during the period of 1945–1952, Savanorių g. 56A, near Jurgis Pabrėža University Gymnasium. initiator of construction: participant of the struggles for freedom Julijonas Mickus, 2000 (authors: author of the cross – Ramutis Mažeika, 2000; author of the commemorative plaque – Haroldas Pocevičius, 2005).
Additional information


55.889938, 21.263037 (WGS).

Opening hours:

Always open

