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Monumental cross and tombstone slab

Monumental cross and memorial plaque for commemoration of the last guerilla of the "Sword" company of the Samogitian district Pranas Končius who was a resident of Didieji Žalimai village, during the period of 1956–1965 lived in Pranas Drungilas homestead and was killed on 15 July 1965; Bronislava Jucienė homestead, Didieji Žalimai Village, Žalimai forest, Vaineikiai forest district, quarter 23. The cross was erected in 2003 on the initiative of the chairman of Kartena Society of Commemoration of the Fights for Independence Juozapas Antanas Viluckas (master Antanas Rudelis). The tombstone slab was opened on 19 July 2014 by virtue of the commander of the Lithuanian Armed Forced, the lieutenant-general Arvydas Pocius (master Pranas Jucys).
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56.019, 21.446501 (WGS).